Bacillus subtilis, a genus of Bacillus, CAS No. 68038-70-0. Individual cells 0.7-0.8 x 2-3 µm, uniformly coloured. No pods, periphytic flagella, motile. Gram-positive bacteria, can form endogenous resistant bacterium, bacterium 0.6-0.9 × 1.0-1.5 microns, elliptical to columnar, located in the centre of the body or slightly deviated, the bacterium does not expand after the formation of bacterium. Growth, reproduction speed is faster, colony surface rough opaque, dirty white or yellowish, in the liquid medium growth, often form wrinkled mold, is an aerobic bacteria.
It can use protein, many kinds of sugar and starch, and break down tryptophan to form indole. It is widely used in genetic research, and the pathway of purine nucleotide synthesis and its regulatory mechanism are well studied in this bacterium. Widely distributed in soil and decaying organic matter, easily reproduced in dead grass leaching juice, hence the name.
Some strains are important producers of α-amylase and neutral protease; some strains have strong degradation of nucleotide enzyme system, so often used as a parental strain of nucleoside production bacteria or the production of 5'-nucleotidase strain.